H2Oh No

I know I’ve been pretty quiet lately and while it’s true I’ve had my hands full between Dave getting home, wrangling Adam, and being a million months pregnant the real reason for the radio silence is that I’m currently without a functioning computer. The day Dave got home my laptop died. We originally thought I’d gotten a virus, but it turned out to be a bad harddrive (thankfully still covered under warranty). I got it back yesterday but it’s still not behaving properly so we’ll be taking it back to get refixed tomorrow.

I do have a bunch of stories and pictures to share so I’ll try to catch up on that soon – unborn child permitting (only 10 days until my official due date – guess I should probably get that hospital bag packed!).  For now though here’s a picture from Adam’s very first swim lesson – which he is currently in the middle of as I type. Thanks to my future brother-in-law Rob and his cell phone we’re able to get real-time updates. I’d say I love technology, but it’s only partially true since my laptop hates me right now.

I did just get an update that he’s been smiling a lot the last five minutes, so hopefully that means he’s getting used to the pool and enjoying himself – this is supposed to be fun after-all.


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