Because my sister is sick of looking at that soup can every time she checks this site, I think it’s time for an update (actually it’s probably long overdue).
I don’t have any specific things to report – mainly a couple of cute Adam stories – things I don’t want to forget.
The other morning when Adam woke up I made him some oatmeal and he had a fit (which was odd because he really likes oatmeal – at least the maple and brown sugar variety – we haven’t tried other flavors). He brought me an empty bottle from the cupboard so I gave him a sippy cup full of milk (which resulted in another small tantrum – cups are NOT bottles). Once he calmed down he ran down the hall to my bedroom, climbed on the bed and laid down. The little prince has apparently decided that his morning routine must involve drinking milk and watching Curious George in my bed. Once George was over he got down, went back in to the kitchen and ate cold oatmeal. Silly kid.
I love seeing Adam put words together to understand new things. The other day I told him to eat his toes and he looked at his toes, then and me and was like, okay mama, I know what eat means, are you for real? Then he put his foot in his mouth (I only teach him the most important life skills).
While Adam and I were Christmas shopping he started flipping out – trying to get out of the cart and saying “daddy” over and over. He had seen someone in uniform and automatically thought it was Dave. At least I’m hoping it was just the clothing that triggered the response – since the uniformed individual was definitely female (a tad manly, but still a woman).
Thank you – and those two pictures never get old I laugh everytime