Sock it to me!

I was just browsing the Old Navy website looking for an outfit for Adam to wear to Dave’s promotion. I found an adorable one and then, went to see if I could get him some new socks while I was in an online shopping mood.

Does anyone else see the problem with their pricing? Why exactly would anyone get an 8-pack for $10 when they could get 8 pairs at $1 a piece (for a total of $8 – I’m pretty good at math – don’t be jealous). I think Old Navy should hire me to help them with pricing. I can work from home and tell them things like their 3 Shirts for $18 deal isn’t that great when the same shirts are listed for $5 a piece. Although, maybe Old Navy likes it that way. I’m sure there are people out there that think, “WOW! An 8 pack of socks on sale, I need to buy them NOW!”.

Maybe I am just bitter because the socks I wanted for Adam (orange and brown striped) are out of stock *sigh*.

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