He’s a pretty cute little guy isn’t he? I think so – today. Last night at about 1:16 AM I had a very different opinion.
Because last night at about 1:16 AM that adorable one-year-old was throwing up in my ear. And by that I do not mean that I was next to him and could hear him (which was also true), I mean it in the most literal and disgusting way possible.
For those of you counting (Stacy) this makes three times in his life that Adam has vomited on someone’s head – and yes, all three times it was mine. And while I am very glad that Adam seemed to feel immediately better and has been fine all day today, there is nothing about that aspect of parenting that I enjoy. I am pretty sure that Dave would have to agree with me – since he was the lucky one that got to clean up the baby, bedding, and carpet while I was in the shower. I figured that was a fair trade – after all I was the one that was in danger of losing my hearing.
And in case you aren’t sufficiently grossed out by this story, apparently goat boy had eaten some paper earlier in the evening. My theory is that Bond, Baby Bond, was part of some covert mission that required him to destroy all correspondences by ingesting the evidence.
I wonder if that could have been what caused the upset stomach.
but he’s so cute! he would never do anything gross like that! (and you have a typo in your first sentence)
Good catch with the typo – thanks. My editor is losing his touch.